About US

a man teaching



ScaleUp Africa is dedicated to achieving transformational social justice through women-led nonprofits and social enterprises in West Africa. We are a women-led ‘action tank’ serving as a local strategic advisor, implementation partner and grantmaker.   


ScaleUp Africa is a dynamic women-led social enterprise – a specialist Consulting firm helping large, global organizations achieve real Impact. As an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem leader in West Africa, ScaleUp Africa leverages a global network and local expertise to improve clients’ strategic outcomes – Sustainability, Gender & Women’s Economic Empowerment, Inclusive International Development Technical Assistance, Private Sector Investment, SME Business Development Services, Entrepreneurship, Innovation Advisory and Corporate Accelerators.

We provide growth support services to SMEs through Strategic Corporate/Foundation/DFI and NGO Partnerships with a focus on scaling Private Businesses in Africa and the Diaspora.

Thematic Areas:
Gender & Youth, Sustainability, Climate, ESG, Venture Philanthropy, Philanthropy, Social Justice, Social Enterprise, Impact Investing

Sectors: Agriculture, Tech, Creative Industries, Film, Infrastructure, International Development, Public-Private Partnerships

What We Do

Promoting Proximate Leadership For Real Impact

We partner with global organizations, philanthropic donors and private foundations to facilitate locally-led development programs and infuse capital to strengthen local ecosystems.  All programs build the capacity of local feminist networks and organisations, enabling women to increase their potential for livelihood and productivity gains in traditionally underserved communities. 

We support this through: 

Social enterprise and nonprofit development and upskilling 

Production, value addition and processing 

Grants for organizational development and ecosystem strengthening



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Nonprofit Strengthening & Social Entrepreneurship

To enhance the capacity and sustainability of African non-profits and social ventures; to reduce systemic poverty and  socio-economic injustice.

Effective Philanthropy Projects

To increase the impact and scale of effective, gender-smart African-led initiatives. “African needs more than just boreholes.” Amma Gyampo TEDx talk. 

Localization & Communities

To enable and equip women in leadership, community economic and social enterprise development initiatives – driving their own destinies.

African Development

To reduce dependency on external aid and funding, leveraging remittances and Diaspora – to address root causes of Africa’s challenges

Agribusiness, Digital & Circular Economy

To promote entrepreneurship and job creation opportunities across Africa and the Diaspora

Corporate Sustainability & Philanthropic Impact

To create innovative, self-sustaining new models and initiatives designed to improve the lives of people and contributions of citizens - including corporate citizens.

Public Service Transformation

To enable leaders in governments, donors, and NGOs to deliver sustainable, innovative solutions that deliver real impact for the public good.

Inclusion for Youth & Women

To enable inclusive economies and societies for all.